Friday, December 7, 2007

Technical Blog

I start my bogging with Technical blog. I am a Software Engineer and probably this is the only thing I can deal with. That’s why I write few technical topics in my blog. I know very well that I am not that much good at writing. And that’s why I start with technical topic because they need few words but lot of time. Now-a-days I am writing very few of them because I am busy with god damn other things.

Now, the other thing is why I made such an amalgamation of technical writing and my lifestyle in same place. Well, this is because it quite difficult for me to maintain two separate blog for them. And I guess both are equally important to know me well. That could be another reason to keep them parallel on my blog. What ever, I start blogging because I wanted to improve my writing skill. I guess one or two years before, it was very difficult for me to write such one paragraph in my native language. But now I guess at least I can write.

Whatever, probably I will come back with more interesting and cutting edge technical writing on mid February. May be those will be more interesting than before.

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