Monday, December 3, 2007

Selling your Soul

There is an interesting chapter in The Satanic Bible, “Hell the Devil, and How to sell Your Soul”. Here the author tries to say the Satanist need not sell their soul to Satan which is most important in any other religion. What I am doing now? I am selling my soul to other people rather than God. What I am? Am I Prostitute? Pimp? What? I donno…

First time I sell my soul to someone very special. That was not a good experience at all. And now the scenario is different, now I am looking for someone to sell my soul, pretty much interesting. Sometime I guess I become a salesman of myself in slung Pimp. On the other way I became a commodity… lol…

BUET tries to make me a better commodity. But I was reluctant at that time. Now I make myself a commodity but alas! I cannot maintain that quality. And I have no one to condemn.

Probably most enumerated wish of human is “I wish I could be child again.” I never think so. I had an interesting psychology that this is the phrase of timid who dares to face tomorrow. I always deceive myself I am not among them. I have every courage to face the worst tomorrow. Even I believed that I am the creator of my own tomorrow so why I would be afraid of my own creation. Now I am loosing myself day by day.

I am selling myself, I afraid to face reality, I afraid to face myself. Even, sometime I am afraid of facing a better tomorrow. Who knows what next…

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