Friday, March 21, 2008

I = f(time)

Who am I? This is a very basic question but unanswered. Even nobody knows the answer. Some are so afraid of this question that they never ask it in their dream. Not only that, they modified the society in such a way that asking these sorts of question becomes a crime. Well I am not interested to write anything about them right now. I just want to say how I deal with such questions.

I strongly believe, “I am the creation of time”. Certainly there is a mathematical function that maps times to me. The word “I” is composed of two things, my physical existence and my thoughts. Let’s talk about thoughts first. The mental evaluation or mental growth of a human being completely depends upon his environment. How I react in certain situation is depended on my experience and my way of thinking. My experience is solely a function of time. Now what about our thinking patterns? Our thinking patterns inherit few things from out society and ancestors. And others are guided by the time. Now our society is composed of few individuals. According to mathematical induction I can prove that they are the function of time. So my reaction in certain situation could be represented by a function of time. My thoughts are nothing but the composition of my reactions.

Human beings are very adaptive in nature. They can survive almost in any condition with the help of evaluation. Evaluation is something depends upon time and environment. According to the big bang theory our environment is a function of time so the evaluation can be solely represented by a function of time. As my physical structures are partially adapted from evaluation it has very close relationship with time. Another part of my physical structures are taken from heredity. From the mathematical induction as my heredity is a function of time so these parts are also related to time again. The rest depends on my food habit and weather condition. My food habit is function of evaluation and time that means it is a function of time solely. So, I am a function of time.

The fraction of moment can makes every thing different. I will be a completely different man if you change my birth time by fraction of moment. It may sound funny but this is true.


  1. Is "I" an unique entity? If that is so,then can we calculate the time of creation of an "I" given the entity description of "I"? My question is , which part of "I", the time is controlling here? I suppose I's type (How 'I' will interact with peripherals) is controlled by time will be the most logical answer. Then it should also be true that the changes in the environment (Social,climatic,etc) is also a function of time? So, we can also deterministically calculate the situation of society or environment at a given time? Or we can calculate the time when a situation will occur ,given its exact description?? The most important question is, are the above arguments enough to bore the shit out of ya??Ha Ha Ha

  2. Is "I" an unique entity? Yes, of course “I” is a unique identity.

    Can we calculate the time of creation of an "I" given the entity description of "I"? Well as you have a sound knowledge on mathematics you know very well that time = f-1(I) exists iff there is a one to one correspondence between “I” and time. So, time can’t be calculated from here as because there is no such a relationship.

    The above argument is also applicable to other two questions as well. You are making mistake man; I never claim this is an onto-one function. I proclaim this is a function, even I never say that it is a single valued function.


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