Monday, February 18, 2008

Web and Information

Well this is the age of information. But I guess Information is not as much as costly as it should be. You may get any kind of information about anything within few moments. And all these are free of cost!!! So this is true that information is cheaper than it should be. But the things is among these universe of information most of them are useless, well not useless rather I called them garbage. Alarming thing is this garbage is expanding faster than useful one. That’s why search engine came to the scene; they help you to sort out the useful one.

Web is a splendid resource for information for us; no doubt about that, but what happen if search engines fail to sort out the useful information. Ok, one real life experience, few days ago I have write in an article that I want to work on Data Stream Mining and yesterday I was searching about Data Stream Mining and Google show me my that post as a result. Probably the guys who are searching for Data Stream Mining will not be interested about my article; it is complete garbage for them.

Now web is for everyone. Anybody can write anything, most of them are worthless. Let consider about my blog. I guess I have at beast one useful article and rests are completely useless to those who don’t know me at all. What the hell they will do with my blog or my personal website? Sometime I afraid, we may loose useful one in the mass of useless.

Search Engines are using few heuristics, like traffic will be larger toward useful one rather useless. What happen if this postulate breaks down? No body knows. Web is not a very old technology, within last few years it had inundated with lot of worthless information. What gonna be happen after ten or twenty years? Does your search engine cope with that? May be may be not… who knows???


  1. I think every piece of information is necessary, only the context of the informations are different. Surely, one looking for some technical informations about say "nuclear fusion" wont be happy to see a science fiction novel about nuclear fusion. But that does not mean that the knowledge is garbage - its just not being useful in the current context.I think what now remains is the search engine's capability to filter out the quintessential information.

  2. Yea, you are right that everything is important but it is context what makes the difference. Well I am thinking about some kind of technique for context specific search otherwise it gonna be difficult for anyone to deal with such broader context. Our search engine still works because contextual information still is not vast enough.


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