Thursday, February 14, 2008

Life(!?) in Dhaka City

Hopefully you went out today or yesterday. If you live in Dhaka city, then what do you think? Is this normal? I had tried to find out the problem. I guess the problem is not the crowd. It is very normal that different people celebrate different days according to their ways. But what do think about our traffic system? Interesting, isn’t it? Last two days nothing could help me except my legs. Ok, I am worthless, my time is not worthy but I am sure this is not the case for you. I don’t know how you guys deal with such situations, I become just helpless.

I don’t why we feel that we don’t have responsibilities. If it doesn’t belong to us then to whom it belongs and what the hell they are doing? This is situation repeats itself for last two years and I didn’t see any single step from authority. Doesn’t it sound funny? We know what gonna be happen and we just let it happen without any resistance. I don’t know why I feel that life will be near to impossible in Dhaka city within next few years. We are just helpless…


  1. the problem is- we always blame the AUTHORITY. the question is- do we perform our duties?

    say, when our rickshaw passes a jam by going in the wrong side, do we protest? i guess, not. rather, we feel happy to pass. and what is the result? some others also become interested to do so. they even pass by, but after that?? ... ... that is the normal situation।

    so, i think, we (with few exception) still are not worthy of ideal system.

  2. This is very fact about us. This is true that we have responsibilities and we always avoid them by condemning others. But I represent one but they, represents one hundred and fifty million. Anyway I agree with you that we are not ready for the changes but the fact is no nation ever ready for the changes… but it happens…


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