Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Life in Cycles

Every day I wake up and wish for something. I covet something new gonna be happen today but alas! Nothing happens. I am in a cycle and I am too poor to break it down. When I was in rehab, Babu showed me a cycle, “Drug cycle”. First you get addicted then you will go to rehab and after that you will supposed to be clean, but this is a big mistake. Nothing can be exciting for an addicted than more drugs. So the very next thing he does will consume more drugs. So the cycle repeats itself.

I feel like I am in such a cycle. I feel like God make thousands of cycle for us and any of them is our destiny. May be your radius is larger than me but you are in a cycle. Lolz… Every time you thought you break the cycle actually you are in a new one. Few people are born to be slave. Is that right? Ok in other way few people are grown up to be a slave. The scenario are same in this context few like to keep the cycle, few like to break it up and last category are not sure about what they want.

Still in our country everyone prefers a job rather than entrepreneurship. They are afraid, they are afraid of uncertainty, they afraid to break the cycle. We can’t condemn them for that because who does not want a smooth life? But we kill our souls in search of smooth life and we are not aware of that. This is not life and this cannot be life. Life is all about excitement, thrilling, exploration and so on. Our life goes to our abyss of oblivion and we are just living!!!

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