Sunday, June 8, 2008

Nothing comes Painlessly

For me, nothing comes painlessly. So there is no wander that I will not get my VISA at first chance. This is so predictable. US embassy supplied me a paper suggesting that my VISA is approved but it will take few more time for the administrative purpose. Anyway, I have nothing to do, other than waiting for their call. I came back home with hope that someday they will call me and collect my passport. Here is brief of my interview,

Me: Good Afternoon
Consular: Good Afternoon. Apni azke kemon acen?
Me: Bhalo
Consular: Is English Ok?
Me: Yes Sir.
Consular: So, you are going to study in US, what level of study?
Me: Doctoral
Consular: Which Program?
Me: Computer Science.
Consular: Which University?
Me: University of Oklahoma
Consular: Wooow! You are going Oklahoma. Do you like American football?
Me: No
Consular: No! Surely you will like when you will get there.
Me: May be.
Consular: Did you take any standardize test for University of Oklahoma?
Me: Yes, both TOEFL and GRE. But I hadn’t received my official TOEFL score, so I got the printed version, is that alright?
Consular: yes, of course.

I supplied my papers.

Consular: Good score!!!
Me: Thank you.
Consular: So University is bearing all the expenses, what if in case of any exception.
Me: Ooooh! My father is solvent and definitely he will support me from Bangladesh. I have the Affidavit copy of this declaration. You wanna see it?
Consular: yes.

I supplied my papers.

Consular: ok, what subject you want to pursue in you PhD program?
Me: Data Stream Mining.
Consular: What is it?
Me: Mining live data, kind of generating knowledge from live information or flow of information.
Consular: What will you do after your PhD?
Me: I will join as faculty.
Consular: Which university?
Me: Any prestigious university in Bangladesh.
Consular: I see you are from BUET, what about BUET?
Me: Definitely BUET is the first choice.
Consular: Good. Currently you are serving as a Software Engineer at Kaz Software Ltd, right?
Me: yes.
Consular: What kind of project?
Me: Industrial Document Management.
Consular: Cool, Ok Sir you VISA has been approved. But you know this administrative tasks, it always takes time. Collect your passport right now. We will contact you later. Keep patience and we appreciate your patience.
Me: Thanks you.

Then he supplied me my passport and a paper suggesting,

Your VISA has been conditionally approved. But due to some administrative task it will take few times. We are unable to say how much time it will take and in these times we are unable to answer any question about your VISA status.

We are suggesting that until you get your VISA in hand do not make any specific plan to go to USA. Please keep patience, and we appreciate your patience.

I don’t know what to do now other than waiting. Waiting is always a painful task. Life is like that. Anyway hope for the best and wish me good luck.

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