Thursday, May 29, 2008

Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman

I have just finished one of the best book written by any geek. Well I am sure about the last word. He is not a geek at all he is a scientist not usual one probably he is one of the greatest scientist of twentieth century. His name is Richard P. Feynman. He is most publicly known scientist in the world. I am talking about “Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman”, Adventure of a Curious Character. I heard a lot about this book but for some reason I never got it before.

Probably, irrespective of reader this book gives the idea about how far a human being can go. How many things can happen in one life? Those who called life is short probably never heard the name Feynman!!! This is kind of autobiography and he is talking about himself, about his life, about a giant mind. I wander how it becomes possible for a human being to live such a weird life. After reading this book anyone will say this is too much, really too much, probably he was joking. He started from his boyhood. He got tremendous style of writing with colloquial language. You can read the whole book without any break.

He is very good at telling stories. Here he talks about himself. This is a master piece. He tells about himself in such a way that it gives you feel like you could be Feynman if you worked hard a bit more and be more consistent. He is a super genius. I have decided to finish all his books one by one. Let me see how far I can go. But from my point of view everybody should read this book. This book is something special, something very very special.

Here is his official website. Here is Encyclopedia Britannica article about Feynman.

People often think I’m a faker, but I’m usually honest, in a certain way – in such a way that often nobody believes me!

– Dick Feynman

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry for some erroneous information. This book is not autobiography. These are the stories of his life compiled by Ralph Leighton and edited by Edward Hutchings.


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