Monday, May 12, 2008

Life is pain

I wish if I could cry. I have no tears left for cry. I can take any more pressure. I am at the edge of break down. No strength left for the next step. I am just out of my mind. I don’t know what to do next? I have faced so many problems in each step of my life. I never get anything in ease. I wonder why me? I scream why me? This is only to me or to everybody? What’s wrong with me? Somewhere something is wrong, something is very very wrong. Probably I am not good a faking it, I am not good to deal with life. Am I itself is a big mistake? Life is pain…


  1. u r not the only one

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. লাভ আছেগো, লাভ আছে। বাংলাদেশে দলাদলি করলেই বেশী লাভ....
    একটু হাসি দিবার জইন্য কমেন্ট মুইছা ফেলছি। জীবনে যত গালমন্দ শুনেছি তা যদি Comments এর মতো Delete করা যেতো, ভালো হতো...


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