Wednesday, March 2, 2011

iPhone posting

I am wondering why can't I post using my iPhone. This is iPhone post and there is no good interface for using blogspot from iPhone. I think iPhone deserve one. At least it always with me and there for add more convenience for me if I can blog using my iPhone. What exactly I expect from iPhone app? A simple title box and text area probably work as a good start point, oh ofcourse a text box for the category of the post. a convenient way of embedding link and picture would be great! What else!

I think this would be enough as a good starting point, and like all other customer I would eventually realize what else I need for iPhone bloging. This post is written using the web interface from my iPhone. Write now I can see a small part of the text in my screen and it little bit annoying! We have so many useless apps but I don't have one I need. I am wondering does android have one for blogspot. Enough for now, from now on I'll try to be more frequent on my blog. Let's see how the entire thing coming out.

1 comment:

  1. In fact we badly need one, because Safari in iPhone is stateless!!! So you cannot open another application and come back later to complete the post!!! That's irritating!


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