Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I came across some first generation/ second generation Bangladeshi-Americans here. I really feel pity for them. My intension is not to offend anyone rather express my feelings. Specially, I feel bad for the innocent kids. I feel like they are kind of confused, they are suffering for identity crisis. They don’t know what they are doing, where they really belong, what fantasy culture they are exercising.

South-Asian culture is very different from other parts of the world. They possess a kind of conservative culture. Actually they had a kind of conservative culture. But now things become changed. That conservative culture doesn’t exist even in South-Asia because of globalization. If I say it is only because of globalization then it seems like I am condemning other cultures. Other cultures spoil our culture. But that is not the truth. Globalization is a reason but to me the change was kind of obligatory. The change was obligatory because of time and pace. Night clubs, Bars are becoming popular in Dhaka. These are not problems, these are the changes. Ten years back from now, a pre-marriage relationship was kind of humiliating, people tried to hide out these issues but now it is not like before. Now-a-days having no pre-marriage relationship is more humiliating. Things have changed a lot. But Bangladeshi-American culture is quite interesting.

I clearly see two categories here. The first group tries to adopt the American culture. The problem is people always adopt the bad things first. So, this group adopts all the bad part of American culture. And of course they adopt some good parts also. In order to be more American some even start denying their origin. The problem is if you don’t have an origin you can’t draw a circle. They don’t know their boundary.

The second group tries hard and soul to hold the culture. The problem with that, they are completely unaware of the changes and the real world. They practice an imaginary culture that even doesn’t exist. Most of the cases the culture they practice is just an exaggeration. To me, they live in a prison cell. Nothing changes their life, not Bangladesh, not America, nothing. They love to stay in dark and that is their culture.

Of course there are some minor variations. Some really do not care any of these two; some have a weird mixture and so on. They all have their different life style. I found both of the extreme variation very funny. I know a Bangladeshi-American being who hates brown skin again I know another one who wants to be a perfect Bangladeshi but doesn’t know how it really is. Surely we don’t want any of these for our future generation. If I don’t know my culture I’ll never know any other culture as well.

Note: I tried the keyword Bangladeshi-American and found the wiki page. In the right side there are couples of photos and I was curious about the rightmost one in the bottom and found she is a porn star. ha ha ha...


  1. Damn man.... the wikipedia seems to be very much excited about this emerging Bangladeshi Porn star.

  2. " was curious about the rightmost one in the bottom and found she is a porn star" - also indicates, how profound the extent of your knowledge about porn stars...
    I agree with you in general...good points.
    best regards


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