Romanticism came along with the youth in my life. I was very romantic at my early days of youth. It was tremendous! Tremendous: in a sense of strength, madness, bohemianism, love and what not. I was born at commencement of a new century. That time our country was undertaken by longest ruling junta of our country. After that we have got two consecutive democratic government from two different parties with full of corruption just before the start of this century. We have got one thing along with our independence like my romanticism is corruption.
I see frustration; frustration in everyone’s eye, in every face. It was the time when our young generation became mad of self-annihilation. So my romanticism got its host so was I. There are very few things in the heaven and earth that I hadn’t tried at that time and gradually I was distracted from my goal. Still I am lamenting for those days. That was my early youth my golden days and I spoil them entirely. At the same time I am proud of those days because they taught me how survive. At that time I came to know about different parts of our real world that was completely unknown to me until those days.
"Youth is not the time of a life; youth is the state of a mind."
One more thing which came almost at the same time is love along with a woman. It was beautiful, it was mournful, it was like a dream went away within fraction of second. I guess it is a very insignificant part comparing to my whole life but a major part of my youth was occupied by my childish dream. Ultimately that relationship didn’t work but it left few memories and few nightmares.
It was full of loosing, losing my virtues one after another, losing my track, losing relatives and most important losing my happiness permanently. I guess I will never be happy again. I lost a lot in return I learn a lot but most the things are not for my track. Surely I could use it some better way but I guess what happened was the compulsory of point in time. I have spent very small part of my youth still long way to go. I don’t know what is waiting for me tomorrow? I am still too young to vow not to waste anymore but I can assure I will not make the same mistake again. Wish me best of luck for my coming days.
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