Friday, October 10, 2008

Unofficial holiday

Can you remember the news “Bangladeshi Students say no to exams during World Cup”? Well I was a student of that institution, BUET. It is true that it was too much but we are not the only one. Today is Friday: OU vs. Texas game tomorrow. And OU is unofficially close today. What do you think, we are not alone. There are lots more crazy people are out there. But the difference is they know how to handle it.

According to Dr. Kim, few years back it was an official holiday, but now it is not. Because someone argued that it looks odd to declare official holiday on such event, therefore they come up with an idea. There will be no official holiday but unofficially there will be no class today. The whole thing is the idea is good. Because in this way they were able make everyone happy and attain the win-win-condition.

Now came to point, BUET usually stay closed at least for two month a year. It is not difficult for anybody to set up the schedule in such a way that both party remain happy. But I don’t know why they don’t do that. I don’t know many times they will repeat the same situation again and again. But still I believe BUET can handle that like “PL picao”. This is not because they are the best it because they operate in very different fashion than others.

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