Friday, September 26, 2008

In my dreams, I can fly!

I don’t know why everyone is discouraging me about PhD and Dr. Gruenwald. I haven’t found a single one who encourages me for any of them. That the real tragedy. I heard about a lot that people drop out from PhD but every time I thought what is bad in it. I don’t know yet. But one of the major reasons might be boringness. It is really boring to be in the same place for so long. It could be a good reason.

It will be very difficult to be here for so many years. Norman is a small city, not much things to explore. What the hell I’ll do for rest of the years? I don’t know. But now I am enjoying my works. I start loving it but not too much. That’s the hopeful part of the story. Because if start loving my job I can be here for any amount of time, nothing matters to me.

I have spent very busy days last week. Today I am little bit free: I have a group meeting with a short presentation of my plan, that’s it! Anyway I loose the string, right? I think it is too early for me to decide anything about any of them. Better let the time decide on behalf of myself. I know it works well for me. Right now I am making some small goals and trying to achieve them. Still I believe listening to your heart* will always lead you to the right track.

In my opinion “Be open minded, Wait and See”. Life is too long and there are very few things that can change the end result much. So following your heart is always good. At least in of the day you can tell yourself that you are happy. You will be happy because you are the victim of your own crime. Other way you are the reward of your own virtue. Anyway these are going too much and see I have lost the main string again. Better not to write any more!

*Rassel if you are reading this then probably you will disagree with me. But I can proof mathematically for us that I am right. :D

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