Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Eye of The Prophet

I have completed a book titled “The Eye of The Prophet” by Khalil Gibran. He is one of my favorites and this book (1995) is posthumous collection short essays on different human aspects. All the articles are taken from his prose, poetry and letters but this is a wonderful collection articles. If you are familiar with Khalil Gibran then probably you know about his views. It covers almost every item that could come in your head at very first time.

As he is well known for his controversies there is a high chance that you could like him or completely dislike him. However, I like his view so I like this book.

The name might seem misleading at first glance. The title is chosen as “The Eye of The Prophet” which suggests that content should be views of Prophet on different stuffs or other way how things are seen by the eye of prophet. But actually it is a collection of his views and thoughts. So who is the prophet? Actually he depicts prophet differently. “The prophet is known and loved by people around the world, as an inspirational guide to everyday life it has become a source of strength to millions.” So here is the voice which is source of strength and indeed it is.

I have compiled couple of his article in my blog labeled as Khalil Gibran. Those are very selective fews I like to share with you. I suggest this book as must read.

"The perfect companion to Khalil Gibran."
This is how the publisher depicts!!!


  1. I recite Gibran when I need to create worlds, as said Bertrand Russell.
    I have 'Greatest Collections of Kahlil Gibran' but I don't think 'The Eye of the Prophet' is included. Thanks for the sharing.
    I hope you read 'The Madman' ?


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