Friday, December 12, 2008

Reversible Computing & Cellular Automata

As part of Formal Languages course I had to read a paper, present it and write a report on it. The title of the paper was, “Reversible Computing and Cellular Automata – A survey” by Kenichi Morita from Hiroshima University. He is one of the top most scientists of theoretical computer science.

The paper was very interesting and I knew very little about these topics before. It was a survey paper on reversible computing and cellular automata. I would like to share my presentation and report here. As this is my first presentation here outside my research group. Anyway the topics were very interesting. I hope you enjoy the topic.

Here they have reports with almost every course. This is kind of new thing for me. CSE BUET undergrad courses are in very good standard (I believe more than they do here in undergrad) but they don’t have any report along with the courses. The only report I had submitted in my undergrad is my thesis report.

1 comment:

  1. rsible computing and cellular automata. I would like to share my presentation and report here. As this is my first presentation here outside my research group. Anyway the t


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