Monday, August 4, 2008

New in Oklahoma

Still I am struggling to manage an internet connection for myself. So I am unable to post regularly. And I guess this problem will remain until mid-august. This is a new part of my life, completely different than any previous experience. I am really excited. Everyday I am going through the new situation. Actually I am adapting, adapting for the changed situation. I don’t find any converter for my laptop’s power plug. So my laptop is out power as well.

I am passing more or less interesting days: ambling around the OU campus and Norman city, trying to figure out daily stuffs like food-shop, shopping, laundry etc. May be it will take time cope with new environments.

American football is very popular here and OU football team is very famous. The university football team is called sooner. Here is sooner everywhere in Oklahoma. I mean everybody is using the name for their own marketing purpose. University has a giant stadium for their football team (much larger than our National Stadium).

It is pretty hot now in Oklahoma, 105-110F. Usually I am not habituated with such temperature. But the other part is humidity is very very low. So it becomes tolerable for me.

Norman is a small city. We need to go to Oklahoma City for shopping and other stuffs. There are few shops there in Oklahoma but they are too expensive and too small for all type stuffs like halal chicken. It is quite difficult to survive here without personal car. I have to think about it later (I don’t know what to do?). Other than that it is pretty cool city.

OU is a very prestigious institution in Oklahoma. Few departments like Geology, Petroleum are very famous. Computer Science is relatively new department: twenty to thirty faculties. But few professors are very powerful and they got enormous amount of funding. Few are doing great in research. The most important part is the department is rising and they hiring new faculty.


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