Monday, August 25, 2008

First day of Fall

Today is the first day of fall. I had a class today, “Formal Languages”. It is a seminar class for the graduate students. Professor Changwook Kim is the instructor for this class. This is my first class in USA. I thought I would write some of my reaction about my first class. We were twelve students in that class. Class room was adequate for this number of students. I did enjoy the class. I guess this is because of my first class in a new country. I am not gonna give much credit to Professor Changwook Kim. But he is good and he is a very experience professor. He has been taking this course for last ten years.

I was impressed about the crowd. It is the first day of fall and University is full of students. I came here couple of days ago and I didn’t such crowd before. Lot of happy faces was around there. It seems like a festival. Lot of temporary stalls were there representing different clubs and fraternities and so on. It was very similar of my first day at Notre Dame College.


  1. recurrence of the same old thing.... long way to go man.. best of luck...

  2. recurrence of the same old thing... recurrence and recurrence...
    do u know, how far ???

  3. Hmm...Interesting question... :D Its the path that you have chosen..So, its as far as you can go..and not any farther..


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