Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year, 2010

We are on the verge of 2009, let me tell you how was it. It was crazy in a sense that I didn't realize when it had started and now it is almost over. It is really hard to tell how was it. Probably no more than one word is necessary to explain my entire year and everyone knows the word :p. I couldn't find anything remarkable apart from significant changes in my thoughts and believes.

  1. I am one more year older than before.
  2. I have spent one more year in graduate school.
  3. I have plenty of things on the halfway, I hope I'll have time for the final touch for each of them.
  4. I have met plenty of cool people.
  5. I have a feeling that I'll miss Oklahoma when I'll not be here.
  6. Plenty of little, little things called life!

That's all I can think of right now about the year 2009. It's new year eve, so time to embrace the year 2010. I know the 2010 would be little bit bumpy for me. I would better be ready for it. Life is all about making plan, realizing its failure and preparing for the next one. In that sense, I am having a life a very dynamic life. A life of full of plans, most of them are half-done and rest of them are failures.

I am not going put any new year resolution, for some reason it doesn't work for me! My resolution doesn't make any difference to me, so I have stopped thinking about new year resolution. Anyway, It's time for a new start, it's time for a new life and a brand new journey.

It's a new world - it's a new start
It's alive with the beating of young hearts
It's a new day - it's a new plan
(Bryan Adams - Here I am)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Finally, I managed some time to write something about the movie "AVATAR". First of all, I liked the movie and surely it is entertaining. The graphic is amazing!!! Probably, it is too great for my eyes and brain to take. I would say it is a great piece of art work and of course technology. The colors was truly mind blowing. It is worth of watching even for the colors only. Very few imaginative mind can think of so many colors at a time even it is hard to take all of them together. With respect to the technology, I think it just managed to catch-up the director's imagination. It is of course in my opinion one of the greatest creations in the film history.

I think the storyline is little bit stereotype but this is the first movie I have seen where the human appears as alien. Apart from that, the storyline is not very uncommon I guess. I think there was not much work on storyline. But still it is worth watching even if the name James Cameron is not there. Overall, I recommend this movie and it should be on the must-watch list and of course the 3D version.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


আচ্ছা! গাছগুলো ঠায় দাড়িয়ে আছে এই তুষার ঝড়ে! ওদের কি কষ্ট হয় না? হয় হয়ত! আচ্ছা আমি যদি গাছ হতাম, মজাই হইত, ঠায় দাড়িয়ে থাকতাম! আমার হয়ত সবই থাকত, আবার কিছুই না। গাছগুলোর দিকে তাকালে হিংসা হয়, কোন বিকার নাই। আচ্ছা, চাইলে কি আমি বিকার বিহীন একজন মানুষ হতে পারব? মনে হয় না, আমার অনেক চাওয়া, আমি অনেক লোভী একটা মানুষ, আমি কোনদিনও গাছ হতে পারব না। আমি কোনদিনও ভাল মানুষ হতে পারলাম না।

আচ্ছা, গাছগুলো কি মানুষ হতে চায় কখনও? মনে হয় না, ওদের তো লোভ নাই, ওরা কেন ওন্যের মত হতে চাইবে, ওরাতো সব চাওয়া কে জয় করতে শিখে গেছে। আচ্ছা ওরা কি আমার দিকে তাকাই হাসে? কি জানি হাসে হয়ত, আমার মত ছোটলোক দেখলে নিশ্চই ওরা খুব মজা পায়। কিংবা কে জানে, ওদের হয়ত কোন কিছুতেই বিকার নাই।

আচ্ছা গাছগুলো কি নিঃসঙ্গ? ওরাতো কখনও কথা বলে না, ওদের মন খারাপ হয় না, মন খারাপ হলে কি করে ওরা? ওদের নিশ্চই মন ভাল হয়, সে কি রং তাদের হেমন্তে, এত রং যে কই পায়! আমার কেবলই হিংসা হয়। আচ্ছা আমি মানুষ না হয়ে গাছ হলে কি এমন ক্ষতি হত এই মানব সভ্যতার? একটা ছোটলোকই তো ভীড়ে যেত গাছেদের দলে, গাছেরা নিশ্চই বিরাট বিপদে পড়ে যেত। কিছুই হওয়া হল না, একটা অস্তিত্বহীন মানুষ হয়ে জীবন পার করে দিচ্ছি। মাঝে মাঝে ভাবতে ভালই লাগে, আমার মত মানুষদের হারাতে হয় না, এরা সব সময়ই হারিয়েই থাকে।


White Christmas in Norman! Wish you happy holidays.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


I am all alone again after quite a while. I have not been alone since last summer when I moved from my old apartment to the new one. My roommate went to Texas yesterday. So I am all alone since yesterday. Nevertheless I am enjoying this temporary loneliness. I am doing many things but for some reason still I am having plenty of time to find what else I can do. I did an interesting thing yesterday, I made some sweetmeats (wow!). I did it in reality and from scratch! I have never thought I would be able to do that but yes I did it. It's kind of fancy, isn't? But good thing is I did it successfully and it was not that bad!

I guess we called it "Golaap Jamon" in Dhaka.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


OUCS has moved to their new Building, they called it Devon Energy Hall. So I got a new office space in the new building. The structure is kind of weird; instead of having couple of small labs now they have a big lab and all the GAs are now going to sit there. It's kind of interesting. It more look like a corporate office than lab. The reason they put it this way: they say it will increase the interaction between the students. I think they are probably right, I have met lot of students in last two days those I have never seen before. But what I like most is its window! We did not have any window in our previous office space now the road side wall is made of glass in lieu of opaque materials. So we all have a wonderful view! Cool!

The most interesting thing I have learned in last two days is politics! Something remains same no matter where you go. It's not comfortable to see the people you respect are fight for silly things. Is little bit of extra space so important! It is really hard to tell. People are killing each other for the space; compare to that, this politics is nothing. But still it hurts. I just realized how far people can go for so silly reasons. Probably, this is why God created human being on earth so that he can enjoy these silly things. I guess these are the times when God grins! This world is really not enough to satisfy the greed of a single human being!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Lindsey east bound

I was kind of bored of being at home for whole day. So we went out for a while. Since I stayed at east Lindsey last year, I thought it would be fun to see the end of Lindsey street on east. Everything was great but the end of Lindsey was not too far; then we decided to go little bit further and visit the other side of Lake Thunderbird. Wow! so far it was fun! It was kind of abandoned area and we went beyond the Lake Thunderbird. When we were planning to come back we did a stupid mistake, we took south instead of west! Nobody could imagine how we did it unless he/she see the map of that junction or the gas station from where we started coming back. Finally we ended up in a new city named Lexinton and it was around 1:30AM!

Here is our tour map in a larger view! It is almost a two and half hours drive and mostly across the woodland.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Bunch of words

I forgot what I was planning to write. Lets start with today, I did a poster presentation today in the union. It was cool, I have never done that before. The bad thing about poster presentation is you have to say the same things again and again and again and ... I said the same things almost hundred times today :( It becomes little bit tiring and boring at the end. The cool things about poster are it is cool and you will meet lot of people with lot of expressions, views and questions! Particularly I remember one comment from one visitor, he was saying "Computer Science is cool". Yup! I have to say, computer science is cool after seeing all the cool posters today. Probably I will drop the specifier "computer"; in general science is cool!

According to Feynman science is beautiful, he argues that science does not destroy the beauty rather it reveals more beauty from a simple one. How beautiful it is if you look at a storm! Well you will see how beautiful it is when you come across the fact about how they are formed and how organized they can be! Anyway science is cool! It is the greatest thing ever that happen to mankind.

I have very bad habit of moving apart from the original point, particularly when I write something. I guess this is because I never build the outline first; I just start writing and go with the flow. Probably that's why most of the time I go completely off-track :( This is not a problem for blog writing but this is really big issue in scientific writing! The bad thing about science is you have to be really, really organized! Maybe this is not bad but this is something not goes well with me. hmmm... What else I want to say... hmm... I really don't have any. :D I need a head phone for my iPod badly, if any kind hearted fellow wants to give me one I would not mind :P

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

No wonder! this is Oklahoma!

It was the second time I was thinking of dialing 911. I was coming from National Weather Center; it is not too far from my apartment (not more than twenty minutes walking distance). It is 28F outside (feels like 14F) with a gust and I was coming by walk (holy crap!). I can’t explain how it was. In the middle I was feeling like dying. I was thinking there is no way I could make it. The interesting thing is the first time I was planning to dial 911 was very similar but reason was very opposite. I remember, it was my first week in USA and I was going home from cs department and on the half way I had the similar kind of feeling but it was due to extreme hot weather; I think it was 110F. No wonder! this is Oklahoma! and this is why the National Weather Center is here!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I'm the fool!

I never thought I'd be the one
To be the raging bull
There'd always be a smoking gun
Who'd up and lose his cool
I never thought I'd have to say
I'm sorry, my love, because
I'm the fool I never
Fool I never thought I was

I left my dreams with broken strings
It's time I learnt to talk
Stop falling over things
Teach myself to walk
I'm not a superman
Or Mr. wonderful, because
I'm the fool I never
Fool I never thought I was

I'm the know it all
Trying to mend his broken heart
But I don't know who to call
And I don't know where to start

Now if you should lose your faith in me
I don't know where I'd run
I hope you'll always let me be
Your only one
Am I your one true love
Or am I too late for your applause
I'm the fool I never
Fool I never thought I was
Darling, I'm the fool I never
Fool I never thought I was

[Mark Knopfler]

How would you feel if one morning you wake up and found you don't have one leg or one arm or may be something else? I am losing something every fine morning, every fine morning I am loosing some parts of me. I knew life is not easy but I didn't know it is burglar. I am loosing something; some of my precious things everyday. I had so many good things when I was a kid I have a few of them left now. I don't know when and how I lost all of them. I am becoming empty day-by-day. Probably, I
can't even claim like Hasib, "............"