Wednesday, December 26, 2012

California trip: Highway 1

Today we reached San Jose. We took highway 1 from Los Angeles to San Jose. I have heard about highway 1 for long time and all I can say the experience is unique. Some part of highway 1 is superb, in a single word mesmerizing. We stopped in every few hours or so. It took us about 12 hours. We are all tired and exhausted. By the time we reached San Jose we have no energy left. We are staying at Goodnight Inn at Fremont.

At the end we were very tired and I almost hit a car. It was a truck merging from my right and I did not notice it was coming. Unfortunately he decided not to yield me, and I noticed him at the last moment. So I tried to move my car by moving into left lane and there was another car. It was a near miss. Anyway finally we reached San Jose.

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