Sunday, August 23, 2009


I have watched a very interesting kind of movie today, “Memento”. It was backward kind of movie; I mean it was portrayed backward or reverse chronologically. It was portraying a patient who cannot hold new memories. The backward concept is not entirely new and so the disease. I like the combination of the story and the portraying. I am convinced that this kind portraying is probably good for this kind storyline. I must say this is one of those movies which make me think about it. Of course they showed some bizarre idea of coping with life for such a patient.

On the top of all these, I feel like they want to show some another ideas. The fact is always subject dependent. The subject decides the fact and then subject concludes from the same fact. It is always hard to tell what is a fact. And then even if it convinces itself about the fact, different circumstances deserve different interpretations and conclusions. A fact is not indifferent of interpretation. Fact is a mystery and conclusion is relative. So what else we have? :D

Finally the tagline, “Some memories are best forgotten” is kind of universal truth but I found it little bit irrelevant for this movie. At least the famous saying is not about this kind of context. Overall, I strongly recommend this movie. I would probably name it as one of my favorites.

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