Monday, October 29, 2012


Finally, I moved to Android abandoning iOS behind. There is nothing wrong with iOS it was just kind of boring after 2 years. Android is so much different and its interesting. It does not have the iOS feeling 'just works' so it is little more engaging. Well, my primary idea is to make some apps for myself, I think it is time for some android development. If you use google products you would definitely find Android platform your home. On the top of that, I saw on news that HTC is loosing money so I decided to contribute a little to HTC and bought their phone :D

1 comment:

  1. Interesting, I feel like Google Play store is actually using my contacts to recommend me apps. It is recommending some apps which has nothing to do with my apps and my choice. Seems like it is actually using my google account and saying one of my fried +1 this app!!! Well, Google should know all my contacts are not my best buddy and not necessary have same taste :-|


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