Saturday, July 7, 2012

Luck, Sheer Luck

I have been thinking about luck lately, what is luck? It's not hard to find a large set of people who believe there is nothing called luck or atleast not in tangible way; another big chunk left it for God. The wikipedia for luck is something beyond one's own intention or control. I believe one more word missing in the definition: perception. Before going deep into the later word lets look at luck a little more.

The word 'Good luck' is in abundance in this miraculous world. What do people really mean, when they say 'Good luck?' Let's try a different perspective to understand what they really mean. I submitted a paper to a conference and send the confirmation to my adviser and she promptly replied 'Good luck'. After couple of months or so the reviewers accepted the paper and sent the acceptance letter to my adviser again and she replied 'Good work'. Interesting! it's not it suppose to be 'thanks luck'? Now what do you think of about luck now? I believe the story is not very uncommon to everyone. People wish good luck to even unknown person before going into an event and the same people appreciate the good work after the successful completion of the same event. So, it is not too optimist to say luck exists before an event and once the event took place luck vanished. Well in some cases luck exits after the event as well, if somebody receive some kind unintended reinforcement during the event! Huh! is this the case wikipedia was talking about? I believe when someone say 'Good luck' what they really mean is I hope you work matches your goal. There are not wishing for any miraculous event. By work I mean to say both tangible and intangible form of work. 

Now take it one step further the and look into 'sheer luck' or the wikipedia definition of luck where something intended happen. Why do think the sheer luck is unintended? One has knowingly no control over sheer luck. My first perception about luck is "knowingly no control does not mean something as miraculous." This what we called probability taken personally :) after all "this universe is queerer than we can suppose." I think probability taken personally is the most common definition of luck in twenty first century. My second perception is even probability does not deserve as much credit as we suppose. Here comes my word perception. We can identify only tangible set of works but beyond that there exits countless intangible set of works as well. Maybe I have a greater impact on the person next me through electro-magnetic wave; just because I don't know it can't be disregarded. Wait a minute! My electro-magnetic wave which have no control influences the person next to me and you are calling it as an intangible work! How it is different from probability?

Interesting? My justification is queerer than I can suppose :) Just because we human being cannot perceive it that does not mean it does not exists, right? Then, here comes the evolution in action. Anything you knowingly and unknowingly have it the result of evolution. And you don't believe luckily you have two hands, do you?. Why your electro-magnetic wave would be considered as luck, it is your trait. This is the trait unknowingly we have so far. Human being have discovered numerous traits inside them in last 30K+ years and I believe there is numerous to come; after all evolution is not in sabbath. Yes and if any unperceived trait gives us upper-hand over other objects then it becomes our trait. I have not problem imagining future human with countless sensory organs sensing everything and pushing luck out of the door. The rest of the part where one has not control is at the end of the day is a function of time. So far we cannot sense the time, if we can I believe luck would have little place to survive.

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