Thursday, December 9, 2010

About me!

I have tried many times to write about me! This is blog is full of me, me and my complains. But I could not come up with something that represents me. I am sure this is not a very healthy situation. Not knowing thyself is not a very encouraging characteristics to have. Let me try one more time, what I can tell about me?

1. I am bad tempered.
2. I am complex (It is relative so I am not sure where should my name appear)
3. I often lie without any good reason.
4. I get tired of anything very quickly.
5. I don't have any hobby.
6. ...

It took quite a long to find all those and now I got stuck :( I am not all about these shitty things :( I do have some good things but I am not sure what are they. And now I am stuck, and ...

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