Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Four laptops are running around me; they are executing something; I am waiting for them. Not very romantic, right? I have an interesting feeling, are they thinking anything? Are they talking to each other? If they can talk to each other what they might talk about? I am sure, they must be cursing upon me. I keep them running for two weeks in a row. Is that too bad? Well, what if I were a laptop? Would it be reasonable for human being?

I can a tell an interesting story. In my last semester Machine Learning class I designed an learning agent. Those who are aware of Machine Learning must know that most of the learning agents are based on some kind of reward function. So in my design, I didn't assign much reward for perfect case but I assigned plenty of negative rewards for the imperfect situation. So the agent works and learns absolutely great! But when I submitted the design the instructor took off five points and leave note on my paper. The note was interesting, it was saying don't be so cruel, it's just a poor robot, why are you beating it so harsh :) It was funny and we all had fun at that time.

Well, running a laptop for entire week might not sound so cruel; because we don't know the definition of cruelty for machines. Is it possible to be cruel to a machine? I don't know the answer yet; because we don't know are they living being or not? Since, we don't know the perfect definition of life yet how come we classify something as not alive! This is injustice! The good thing is I am not a laptop and the bad thing is I am some kind of "top".

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