Monday, September 24, 2007

Feel the Spirit

I have registered for GRE at 15th Oct. May be th date seems weird to you. But you know lots of sick people are out there. I get a long vacation from my office and just remain at home to pursue GRE. What do you think(for my friends, who never think me this way...)? Wow! or Ops!

I can’t asses right now what could be the result, but I can say that I try my best. I wake up between 11 to 12 am and start reading until 5pm, then busy with friends and etc start reading again from 8pm to 3:30am next. Does it not sound enough? Probably this is the exam I tried best within last five years.

In my undergrad level I sit for any exam with at most 20 percent devotion of this. And so I can concentrate less than 20 percent. This becomes so habitual that the end of that career I can’t go for more. I was so frustrated that sometime I assuage myself by telling that this is my 100 percent. How fool I am!

I can still remember those days when I was too young to busy with such a lots of things, I can give 100 percent towards anything. But this is simply history right now. Right now I am a fucking shit.

But in the course of my GRE preparation I think I get myself back. Not 100 percent, but this is the way to back. I am lot more confident right now. I feel myself getting back. I am way to the back, I can feel that spirit, and I can feel this now.

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