Saturday, July 19, 2014

Get back on the saddle

I have just realized why I don't have anything to write. It is because I don't do anything public. All are corporate proprietary stuff :( I would like to talk about stuff but that would require writing a document, send the draft, get the clearance, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, let's talk about personal life.

I picked up biking after a long period of time. I think all credit goes to Hasib. He was talking about the biking last year and I was kind of convinced that I should do it. But then I came to Seattle and looking for right bike and wait, wait and wait. Finally this year I decided, you know what, I am gonna get one, no matter what. So I got a pretty basic bike from Schwinn.

It is a network hybrid, nothing fancy but I am loving ride. Seattle is one of the bike friendly city, may not be comparable to Portland but lot of people ride bike here. I guess that might have some influences too. Anyway, I almost forgot how fun biking was. I am enjoying every moment of it. I am hoping it will bring back some part of fitness. My fitness is really struggling. I have sort of abused my body for so many years. Its no wonder my fitness is fighting back. Biking is my first tiny step on the way of reclaiming my fitness. I hope someday I will reclaim all of its glory.

I am also planning to upgrade to clipless pedal sometime next week. Let's see how that goes. I have heard that you to fall at least once when you start using clipless. I hope my fall will not be too damaging. I am hoping this will boost my ride a little. I am pretty excited about my new biking venture.

Friday, July 4, 2014

A verbose 4th of July morning...

It seems like blogging is becoming less popular after mobile revolution. Interesting, now we have so many ways to write and so many apps to write with, but it became less popular. Or maybe it just me, start writing blog after few months and feel like everybody is doing the same. Anyway, happy 4th of July everyone.

I was browsing this morning and at the bottom of the page it ask for a survey. And the question was what is the best part of 4th of July? Fireworks? Day off? And few other things. I guess its day off for me now. Its always fun to have one extra day off.

I feel like I am writing after a long time. Blogging has always been fun for me. But nowadays it is hard to find things to blog about. So, I stopped writing. I am going thru that part of the life when nothing happens other than ageing. Sometime I feel like this will continue for some years and at some point I will realize I am an old man now. I have lived my life. I will start giving advise. It surprising human that most of the human lifes are utterly similar. Among all the diversity and friction we see among human being, they are just ridiculously shallow. Deep down inside we all are same. Not biologically but mentally and how we live our life.

Life is the most amazing thing I have. It always surprises me like it surprises rest of the 7 billion people on earth. After all these surprises I don't understand how come they are same? Is not it amazing!

Well enough of stupid rumblings. I am gonna go ant watch the stupid Germany vs France game. This will be the first time I will cheer for France. Hope they will be able to pull it forward.