Friday, April 19, 2013

Doctor of Philosophy

I am often asked what's my blog is all about? I guess the straight forward answer is life journal. I think my blog is a life journal. I think in that sense, it would be incomplete without a post about recent course of events. I got my PhD!

What's interesting in that? PhD is an interesting diploma unlike any other I have stumbled upon before. It is an art that require superb craftsmanship. I don't think the dissertation defense has much importance independently. But the time one has to been throw to get to the defense is the lesson of PhD. It requires patience and tons of it. I have heard that many of my friends are not happy with their advisor, actually it is even worse. But I am not sure why? I think at this stage of our life we should understand there is nothing called absolute right or wrong. Advisors are human being and they are bound to differ with you in hundred different ways. And the lesson of PhD is you have to get it done, no matter what.

I am hoping PhD is meant to make one more tolerable to the ideas that he/she doesn't share. PhD doesn't teach you more interesting stuff in your area, it teaches you the overall human quality. Sure, you could read few more papers and books but if you think that's what PhD is all about then I suggest you better try something else. The reason over many years it is called "Doctor of Philosophy" not "Doctor of Computer Science" is because it is not meant to teach you Computer Science, it is meant to teach you Philosophy. The philosophy of patience, tolerance, perseverance and systematic way of thinking. Sure, I have read lots of books and articles but those are not the lessons I learned. They were just a media to learn the lessons of PhD.

At the end of the day, it is "Doctor of Philosophy," we are expected to learn and master the philosophy not computer science.

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