Sunday, September 25, 2011

Cell Phone Camera

When cell phone camera was first introduced, I thought it is great combination. People always have their cell phone and perfect moment of photograph can happen any time. But I was kind of disappointed later when I found it was not as big deal as I thought. But I was never sure why is so. Is it lack of nice camera? or what? I was kind of impressed later on after iPhone 4 when Flickr declared their most popular camera is no longer a real camera rather a smart phone. It was the moment when my prediction became reality. But I had a kind of idea that people would take picture more often but that in my view did not happen yet. Maybe, not all people like to takes picture of the beautiful moments they see. 

If anybody still not sure why camera phone so fun, here is a cause. Taking camera to a toilet is not my kind of thing but some toilets are really interesting. Have you ever found a toilet you wished to share with your friends? Yes, this is the time cell phone camera becomes handy :)

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