Sunday, August 7, 2011

Philadelphia, once again!

Philadelphia again! This time it is a whole different story. We were planning for New York tour and all of a sudden we realized that flying to Philadelphia is comparatively cheaper than flying to New York; and it was just two hours road trip from Philadelphia to New York. So we extend our excursion by one day and made a plan to spend some time in Philadelphia. Last time I could not spend time to enjoy the urban beauty. Yes, Philadelphia is a nice city and we loved it. More specifically we loved it more than New York. If I have to choice to choose between New York and Philadelphia, the choice is obvious. I love Philadelphia. If I am asked to describe Philadelphia is one sentence, I would say "where history meets present." Philadelphia is actually one of those city where I always wanted to visit. It is the city of brotherly love, yes you can feel it in Philadelphia. You would not feel alienated there.

Philadelphia is full of history. History of American independence. History of great people who shared the vision of a great country. History is so much of Philadelphia that sometimes it is difficult to separate the history from present. They (people of Philadelphia) have the tendency to do things that can blend with history seamlessly. I was  even more amazed by the design of the city. Somehow the city hall can be seen from many different places with entirely different kinds of view. Hope we could spend more time there. I took lots of pictures and most of them are crap. I had to delete most of them and the rest are not good either but at least they will testify our expedition.

The City of Brotherly Love

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