Monday, May 2, 2011


Interestingly, in last two years I got rejections for numerous places. I am wondering why? I got rejections from six different universities, I got rejections from two jobs interview and three conferences. The total number of rejections I believe is greater than, the total number of rejections I had in my entire life before. That's not very usual? is it? May be, I should sit and think about exactly what's wrong about my applications. I can imagine the entire package I was offering was not very great and so they had tell me 'no'; but my question what exactly appear so bad that I had to heard 'no' from every places!

Well, it is true that these pushes my self esteem a little bit but these insist me to think further about the package. What exactly wrong my resume? Undergrad CGPA? Work experience? List of papers? Not sure! Something went wrong, should I wait for a year and see what happen then? Certainly this is not my time! I think I should put aside everything and concentrate on my PhD work. Maybe I should not harm my PhD work, otherwise I would be in trouble after my PhD. Anyway, life is different when you are continuously receiving rejections. 

Probably, if I apply further it would be insanity. In my dictionary doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results is insanity. I believe I need some time to settle everything. Wish me good luck!

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