Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Meaningless stuff

I had an interesting dream last night! I was trying to check my email by writing the gmail.com in a piece of paper and pressing the text by my pen :( Isn't it funny! When I woke up this morning I was thinking, well it may not be funny after ten years. All we need a IP enable piece of paper. I hope some technology is going to replace paper very soon and then what we need is a perfect OCR and IP on it. Does it sound like fiction? I guess no. If you look at Amazon Kindle, it looks very similar to book. We need something little bit thinner and pen that can write on it. I hope paper is going to be obsolete in foreseeable future and then we have to attach IP on it! My dream would come to a reality!


  1. 1000 miles is not enough??? I need to go way further than that? http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Norman,+OK&daddr=South+Carolina&hl=en&geocode=FSd0GQIdCjEx-inn7pN_tmOyhzH4XKirPyNbRA%3BFTFMBAIdNIop-ynj0TF5aaX4iDGeFwX1MqH_uQ&mra=ls&sll=34.506557,-89.187012&sspn=9.590684,19.753418&ie=UTF8&z=6

  2. tui anek boro vondo hoisos .... vondami rak ... CMK


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