Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Java variable argument function!

I found an interesting compile time error today. Java allow variable argument function in that case the signature of the function looks something like, 

Class Y {
int func(int ... x)

However the function can be invoked as y.func() without any compile time error. That is kind of interesting for language like Java. It invokes the function with an array of integer of size 0. The same function can be overload with not argument at all! However they don't allow empty call if the function is overloaded with two different types of variable arguments.

Monday, April 9, 2012

ফিরে যাওয়া

অনেক অনেক দিন আগে, একদিন বসে বসে গান শুনছিলাম , কার যেন গান; গানের কথা ছিল, "আমিও পথের মত হারিয়ে যাব, আসব না ফিরে আর, আসব না ফিরে কোন দিন।" আমার পাশে বসা ছিল শিশির ও তখন খুব ছোট। আমিও গুন গুন করছিলাম। হঠাৎ করে শিশির জিঙ্গেস করে বসল, দাদা তুমি কই যাবা? সেদিন জানতাম না, আমি কই যাব? আজও জানি না আমি কই যাব, কিন্তু জানি আর কোনদিন ফিরে যাব না।

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Medieval fair, 2012

How much things could change over time. When I went to the medieval fair for the first time I thought it was cool. Lot of interesting costume thing was going on. Many people are roaming around in a medieval set. I thought it was kind of cool. But when I went to the medieval fair this year, my idea is kind of opposite. I feel like it is kind of boring. Partly because all the same people wearing same costumes again and again. Even worse all the stalls are even similar. When I went to take picture, I realized some the characters are actually my familiar. I took picture of them last year. I guess this is the norm of a campus town, here things don't change, people change.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Professional research ethics training

I am attending professional research ethics training this weekend. The training is okay, it kind of remind me the old days when I joined OU. I had to attend plenty of trainings at that time. I have not been attending any training for last three years or so. So it's kind of remind me my early days at OU. My personal feeling is good about the training.

Now what they discuss! Well they were kind of trying to discuss ethical decision making process in the research. The nature of the beast suggest that there is not single right or wrong answer of these questions. All answers are equally valid under different circumstances. So, the whole point is not implanting any right or wrong into the trainees but rather focus on the problems and discuss as many different circumstances as possible to answer the question. Under that perspective I think the training is pretty successful. 

Personally I don't believe anything called ethics but I do believe in social responsibilities. Probably social responsibility is the reason I am not going to street and doing whatever I feel like doing. I believe making a better society is part of my responsibilities: it is the same responsibility that make people take care of their children. Think of a situation where you take good care of your children but then at the end you send them to hell. 

So I think if you take good care of your kids, I think you should take good care of your society because society is the place where they are gonna be within couple of years.