My first post in this blog was sometime in November, 2006. It is November, 2009. My blog has passed almost three years. Wow! Three years! I never imagined at that time that I would continue it for so long. Three years is a long and for me it is even more. I have spent plenty of my times with my blog. I was kind of obsessed with my blog during the last fall, even worse during the last, last fall. Now I hardly manage time to write something. Am I too busy? Probably not, probably I don’t have much to tell or to be more specific, I don’t have much to say to my readers, or maybe I become more introvert, or maybe I am not comfortable with too much traffic. Whatever the reason is, I am not regular here, but I want to be!
Why do I care about my blog? Well no good reason for that but it was like my friend for too long. It came all the way from Bangladesh to here with me. So I do care about it. One good thing about it is it influences many people to start their own. It brought some friends for me; it brought some good thoughts for me too. Another interesting thing is nobody ever complained about my ugly writing style but I know it’s ugly. Apart from that, nobody even complained about poor English! I mean that was the whole point of start writing publicly. Apparently, it didn’t work because people are too modest, maybe more than they should be. But I have received many comments in course of time and most of them are from my friends. Some anonymous comments are very irritating like “you should add addsense”, “you should add visitor counter” and so and so. Some comments are really interesting and I liked them such as “your blog is stereotype”, “do you know anything other than the word stupid” and so. At least they spend their time on it.
I should say sorry for a very stupid post about Adolf Hitler. It didn’t mean what it looks like now. I am not a big fan of Hitler but I told I am big fan of his capability of imagination. Being a big fan of someone is very different from being a big fan of his/her characteristics. I can have certain characteristics; it is up to me how I am going to use them. I didn’t even say I am fan of his way of using but how that post is interpreted wrongly by most of the readers and I receive tons of personal emails about that post. Some of them state theirs hatred on Hitler in such a way that it seems like I am the one whom they hate!
I have shared couple of my conversations with my friends. Zafar was complaining about one. This is a big issue about personal blog. Blog is way of publishing other people information without their permission. To my best knowledge, I never did that intentionally and I never publish any sensitive information intentionally. If I had ever published anything about anyone which he/she is not comfortable with, he/she has every right to ask me to get rid of that post and I would love to do so.
Typically I receive interesting comments but I would like to say something about comments. Some comments I really hate:
“You should organize this/that way” – What the heck? Why do I need to organize this/that way? What I am going to achieve? Better look, that’s not me even if I organize in that. I want to keep in my own way, in my own organization. I don’t have any intension of attract traffic; I have an intention of reflecting me here. So please do not tell me how to organize it.
“You should add addsense” – Again I am not doing it for business, it is for fun. I don’t want to mix up everything with business. I have no intension of making it business website or business portal. If I want to earn money I can earn from different sources. So please don’t suggest me something like that.
“You should add visitors counter” – Why? Why do I care about how many visitors it has, why do my readers care about how many visitors it has? If they care, it doesn’t want that kind of visitors. It wants the visitors those come to read it not come here because other people come here. So please don’t say I need to add that.
“I have visited your blog now please visit mine” – I love to read other people’s blog and I spend quite a long time on that. If you left a comment like that I am ensuring you I am never gonna visit yours. If your site has the content of my type be sure I’ll find it someday and visit yours.
Well, it would be too mean if I write only the bad part of the story. I should say something about the good part of the story. Comments I really love:
“Your idea is crap” – No idea is perfect, the whole point of putting an idea in public is to discuss it and collect other people views. I believe if nobody questions my idea it is not interesting enough or it is not innovative enough. Tell me what is wrong, I would love to hear. I might argue; but if there is something good in it, trust me I’ll accept it.
“It is stereotype” – Probably I agree it is little bit stereotype. I mean most of our lives are not very interesting. It is not our fault; it is how we lead our life. I have received plenty of comments like that. I love these kinds of comments but the problem I don’t know the way making it more interesting. So I always argue and that makes a bit more interesting.
“It is masochism” – Whatever it is, it is me! I love to hear from different people about what they think about me. I never feel offended with these types of comments.
“You write very well” – It is always good to hear good things from other people, it is more interesting if the person is unknown. Of course these kinds of comments are very encouraging.
At the end of the day, the whole point of writing is someone will read it later. So readers are very important for anything. Readers keep things alive. Couple of days ago I was planning to make my blog private and then I changed my mind. I feel like readers have some impact on what I am writing, and I didn’t want to miss that part. Finally, I would love to listen from my readers.