Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Street photography!

I have been editing some street photographs from our last New York trip. This is first time I tries some street photography. It is fun, it is absolute fun. I mean taking pictures is okay but post processing was super interesting. There are people in the photographs, they have real emotions and my job is to pop them out. I had no idea it would so much fun. Sometimes I spend hours on one character; more interestingly I found myself talking with them! Some of the character has such as great impact you just cannot go away. I am super novice on street photography and I had no idea it is so much fun. Usually I got strong emotion in one out of thousand; but the thing is that picture is mind blowing. I just can look at that picture and spend entire day talking with them.

Few strong characters have so much to tell, creating artificial lighting to make them louder and stronger is absolute fun. You can literally talk to them. I think I am loving it. Now I need to learn how to take better photographs on the street, so that I don't have to throw away thousands. Here is one of my favorites,

She has all her thoughts in her mind while walking toward work. Well, it's a made up story but don't you think the story goes pretty well with the photographs. That's the beauty of street photography. You can tell whatever you want to tell. Your job is to make the characters strong enough to tell whatever you want them to tell.

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